Neogen Analytics - Data that works.


Sayed M Naim KhalidUnderstanding the Costs of Unsafe Food

By Sayed M Naim Khalid

The economic impact of food safety issues can be significant. Food safety concerns can limit the ability of countries to export their products to other markets, leading to decreased economic growth. To mitigate these impacts, governments and industry can invest in education and awareness campaigns, improve access to clean water and electricity, and promote sustainable agriculture practices. By taking these steps, we can work towards a safer and more sustainable global food supply.


Food Safety Consortium - October 20-22, 2024, at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA

Featured Articles

Enhancing Food Safety Culture in the Food Service Industry:
A Call to Action

By Francine L. Shaw, Savvy Food Safety

Food safety culture isn’t just for manufacturers and processors. The food service industry also needs to develop a culture that prioritizes food safety at every level, from management to frontline employees. Here’s how to get started.

USDA, FDA and HHS Announce Funding to Fight Avian Flu
in Dairy Products

By Food Safety Tech Staff

The USDA, FDA and HHS have announced efforts to combat the spread of H5N1 and provide financial support for lost milk production.

2024 Food Safety Consortium Conference & ExpoAmerican Frozen Food Institute and Food Safety Tech
Join Forces for 2024 Food Safety Consortium Conference & Expo

By Food Safety Tech Staff

This collaboration underscores the shared commitment of AFFI and Food Safety Tech to elevate industry standards, and the exploration of key scientific and regulatory developments impacting public health and safety and its implications for food production.


Save Your Brand From a Major RecallSave Your Brand From a Major Recall:
Preventing Contamination in Food Plants

Sponsored By NEOGEN

Preventative controls are already mandatory due to FSMA, but FSMA regulations won’t prevent a recall. Also, there are major production upsides to adopting a preventative approach to food safety. Use this checklist to help find and prevent contamination in a food manufacturing environment, paving the way for increased production uptime, reduced waste/scrap and helping to prevent a costly recall event.

Download the eBook

Cannabinoid Quality Conference, Oct. 20-22 Washington DC

Call for Abstracts for Educational Presentations to be presented during our upcoming Cannabinoid Quality Conference, Oct. 20-22 Washington DC, co-located with the Food Safety Consortium Conference. Abstract categories:

  • Quality Management
  • Regulations & Standards
  • Testing & Analysis
  • Audits & Supplier Management
Submit an Abstract

MilliporeSigma - F&B Chemical Analysis - Measurements are only as good as the reference

Upcoming Events & Webinars

October 20-22, 2024

Food Safety Consortium

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