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Emily Newton, Revolutionized MagazineSanitary Design:
Finding the Right Conveyor Belt System

By Emily Newton, Revolutionized Magazine

Conveyor belts are a key component in food processing and manufacturing. Following we look at current standards and resources to help companies identify the right systems for their facilities and food products.


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Featured Articles

Human Skills:
The Key Ingredient of Food Safety Culture

By Food Safety Tech Staff

Jill Stuber and Tia Glave of Catalyst on the three Ps that help build relationships and why human skills are key to building a strong food safety culture and improving employee retention.

Multi-State Listeria Outbreak Linked to Peaches, Plums and Nectarines

By Food Safety Tech Staff

To date, there have been 11 reported illnesses, 10 hospitalizations and one death associated with the outbreak. On November 7, 2023, FDA matched samples of 2lb bagged peaches at The HMC Group Cold Storage in Kingsburg, California, to the outbreak strain via Whole Genome Sequencing.

Food Safety Consortium
Call For Abstracts:
2024 Food Safety Consortium

By Food Safety Tech Staff

The Food Safety Consortium call for abstracts is now open. The 2024 conference will take place October 20-22 in Washington, DC.

Leveraging Cloud-Based Technology in Supply Chain Management

By Nicole Keresztes James and Scott Arnald, NSF

Regulatory changes, complex supply chains and risks of food fraud present challenges to food companies globally. Each player in the food supply chain, from manufacturers to retailers and restaurants, can benefit from cloud-based digital solutions that adhere to international security management standards. These programs encourage collaboration, prioritize safety and provide cost-effective, secure data organization across sectors, while allowing businesses to select the digital solution services that best align with their needs.

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