Tracegains - 5 Steps to Supply Chain Agility - Get the Guide


Food Safety Attorney

Jennifer Allen, Zwillinger WulkanOrganic-Labeling Regulations

By Jennifer Allen, Zwillinger Wulkan

There are several options to highlight your use of organic ingredients, but you must understand the regulations surrounding each option to avoid running afoul of USDA regulations.


2023 Food Safety Consortium | October 16-18, 2023 | Parsippany, New Jersey


Dietary Supplement & Natural Product AnalysisHPLC Methods eBook:
Dietary Supplement & Natural Product Analysis

Sponsored By Thermo Fisher Scientific

The structural diversity of dietary supplements can pose challenges when you need comprehensive quantitative and impurity analysis. Get our eBook and learn how you can use HPLC-UV-CAD methods to confidently assess product quality and purity.

Download the eBook

Featured Articles

Salmonella Outbreak Investigation Reinforces Importance
of Drain Sanitation

By Food Safety Tech Staff

A recent study that tracked the investigation into a Salmonella outbreak in Quebec, Canada, found that contamination in a restaurant’s drain system—potentially caused by the extinguishment of a kitchen fire—led to the spread of the pathogen.

Cannabis Quality Conference and the Food Safety Consortium
The Seed to Sale Safety Workshop
October 16, 2023

Learn about the seed-to-sale safety considerations associated with cannabis edibles. Participants will achieve an understanding of cannabis hazard analysis, learn the principles of cannabis edible GMPs, apply food safety best practices, identify risks in marketing and labeling and apply the fundamentals of state and federal regulatory compliance.

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FSIS Launches New Recall and Public Health Alert API Data Tool

By Food Safety Tech Staff

The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has launched a new feature on its website that enables software developers to access data on recalls and public health alerts through an application programming interface (API). Through this new tool, developers can leverage FSIS recall data to create new products for consumers or incorporate them into existing digital services and mobile apps.

Mérieux NutriSciences - Subscribe to Our Blog

From the Editor’s Desk

Earn Up to 26 CE credits at the 2023 Food Safety Consortium

By Food Safety Tech Staff

Attendees can take part in three days of education and professional networking, and gain up to 26 continuing education credits for taking part in the 2023 Food Safety Consortium, October 16-18 in Parsippany, New Jersey.

How Collaborative Robots Can Increase Food Production Capacity

By Emily Newton, Revolutionized Magazine

Food production capacity must expand, but doing so with conventional automation is difficult. Collaborative robots offer both efficiency and flexibility to get around these obstacles.


TracegainsFood Safety Hazards Series:
Managing Supply Chain Risks

Sponsored By Tracegains

Maintaining communication, approving new suppliers in times of geopolitical conflict and product shortages, and conforming to the coming FSMA Traceability Final Rule are among the inherent challenges now facing supply chain managers and food safety professionals. In this webinar, Gary Smith, Vice President of Quality Systems, Food Brands at 1-800-Flowers, Sara Jane Bellocchi, Networked Ingredients Functional Consultant at TraceGains, Trish Wester, President of the Association for Food Safety Auditing Professionals, and Blake Harris, Technical Director of the Global Food Traceability Center at IFT, share strategies to reduce supply chain risks from pre-approval through the management of existing suppliers and highlight opportunities to improve collaboration and protocols in preparation for implementation of the Food Traceability Final Rule.

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Upcoming Events & Webinars

September 20, 2023 – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Rodent Control and Organic Certified Facilities

October 16-18, 2023

Food Safety Consortium 2023

October 16-18, 2023

Cannabis Quality Conference 2023

Modernizing the U.S. Food Safety System
Modernizing the U.S. Food Safety System

Is an independent food safety agency the solution?
Or are we reshuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic?
Find out at the Food Safety Consortium Conference, October 16-18

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