Educational Webinar:

Food Safety and Risk Management and the role of an often overlooked stakeholder, your Insurance Company

Broadcast: March 5, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm EST

  • Learn how to tie food safety risk mitigation to tangible net-positive business and economic outcomes
  • Learn how insurers and food suppliers are collaborating to support the advancement of improved risk management through advanced testing and data analytics

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Risk mitigation is in the best interest of ALL parties involved, and that includes the insurance underwriters and brokers who service the food industry with recall and other liability policies. Increasingly, insurers are finding ways to provide financial support to food companies. The drivers and benefits for doing so are the subject of this webinar.

This event will provide attendees a view into how digitized food safety testing programs offer much-needed data fuel to risk assessments.

Join Melanie Neumann of Neumann Advisory Services and David Hatch from Neogen as they provide attendees a view into how digitized food safety testing programs offer much-needed data fuel to risk assessments.

Melanie and David will recount real-world examples to illustrate how use of advanced testing methods, data analytics and data management, analytics and workflow automation technologies are being applied to mitigate many forms of risk, and why insurers are increasingly becoming involved in advancing these capabilities.

Attendees will take away new ideas and concepts that they can put use right away:

  • Understand how different stakeholders perceive risk
  • How to tie food safety risk mitigation to tangible net-positive business and economic outcomes
  • How insurers and food suppliers are collaborating to support the advancement of improved risk management through advanced testing and data analytics 


Melanie Neumann is the principal attorney and founder of NAS. Ms. Neumann has invested over 25 years in providing the food and beverage industry with actionable and practical legal and regulatory insights through the lens of enterprise risk management. Topics include without limit: food laws and regulatory compliance, advertising and labeling compliance, intellectual property, corporate contracting, data management, pre and post-acquisition due diligence, supplier and co-manufacturing contracting and risk assessment, recall and incident management, and other operational and brand reputation risk management solutions.

NAS interacts with various stakeholders on behalf of her clients –from production line operators to CEO’s and CFO’s, regulators to academics, the CDC, and the media--in response to outbreaks, recalls, inspection findings, enforcement actions, complaint management, and alleged illness claims to help resolve incidents by facilitating robust root cause analyses and helping companies identify appropriate corrective actions and other risk mitigations to protect public health and business reputation.

David Hatch is Vice President, Digital Solutions Marketing, at Neogen. He was formerly Chief Commercial Officer at Corvium (acquired by Neogen in February 2023) where he led the introduction of an advanced food safety automation software platform, now called Neogen Analytics. David is a passionate evangelist for digital automation and analytical advancements of business processes. For over 30 years, David has led organizations focused on data analytics technologies, market research and consulting services. He has authored dozens of research studies, blogs, articles and white papers covering a broad range of data analytics topics, including predictive analytics, performance management, workflow automation, and operational analytics. David holds a B.A. in Communication from The University of Massachusetts, Amherst (UMASS), and was the inaugural Chair of the Alumni Board of Advisors for the Dept. of Communication at The School of Behavioral Sciences at UMASS.

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