MillipporeSigma - Safe Solutions for Food and Beverages

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Volume 7 Issue No. 29

Compliance Food Labs Food Manufacturing Foodservice & Retail FSMA GFSI Sustainability Training Calendar

SGS - How to improve food authenticity, traceability and safetyusing next generation sequencing (NGS)

Featured Articles

Maria Fontanazza, Editor-in-ChiefToo Many Recent Outbreaks, FDA Says Significant Food
Safety Problems Continue

By Maria Fontanazza, Editor-in-Chief

At the IAFP annual meeting FDA’s Stephen Ostroff said that the numerous recent foodborne illness outbreaks indicate industry still has a lot of work to do.

Retail Food Safety Forum

Martin Flusberg, Powerhouse DynamicsAutomating Food Safety Processes in Restaurants:
How 1+1 Can Equal 3

By Martin Flusberg,
Powerhouse Dynamics

Different technologies that may overlap in some ways may be highly complementary, yet many of the brands that have been at the forefront of automation have not yet taken advantage of the full set of available capabilities.


At National Restaurant Association Show, a “smart bar” concept A New (Augmented) Reality

By Paul Ryznar, Wixom

Augmented reality (AR) technology solutions have the potential to transform food service and production.

Kellogg'sDespite Recall, Some
Retailers Still Selling
Kellogg’s Honey Smacks

By Food Safety Tech Staff

FDA issued a notice after learning the cereal is being offered for sale.


Sponsored Content

3MUSDA FSIS Awards 3M Food Safety with Contract for Pathogen Testing

The agency will be using 3M’s instruments and kits for detecting Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and E. coli O157.


Mike Robach, CargillThe Future of Food Safety:
A Q&A with Cargill’s Mike Robach

By Mahni Ghorashi, Clear Labs

Risks to supply chain integrity remain and FSMA implementation is going “okay”: We still have a long way to go.


Sponsored Content

TraceGainsSolving The Supply Chain Data Crisis [eBook]

Brokers, Distributors, and Importers face unique challenges in today's food and beverage landscape. With the rise of FSMA and the heightened focus on documentation and recordkeeping, this segment of the food industry is feeling even more pressure to ensure proper documentation follows each ingredient or product along its journey – from the source to the customer who made the request and every step in between. TraceGains helps solve the data crisis! Download the eBook today to find out how.


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Sponsored Resources

EurofinsEurofins Technologies Listeria test kits

Now with 20% off from our webshop!

Looking for a faster and more reliable in-house Listeria testing solution? The BACGene Listeria real-time PCR kits from Eurofins Technologies provide a faster turnaround time and lowest false-positive rate. With the flexibility to multiplex, maximum inclusivity, and built-in validation support from Eurofins labs, BACGene provides the most complete solution in the market today. Want to try us out? Visit our webshop at and use the code “FST2018” at checkout to receive 20% off all pathogen testing kits! Or, contact us at to learn more about improving your in-house Listeria testing.


3MReduce your risk of recalls with an environmental monitoring program

Did you know that having an effective environmental monitoring program as part of an overall food safety system can help to extend product shelf life, reduce risk of recalls, reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction, and increase revenue? Our on-demand webinar series with Cornell University’s Dr. Martin Wiedmann offers full lifecycle content about environmental monitoring that builds in complexity as you progress through the program.



BIOBALL® Luminate is a small, water-soluble ball containing a precise number of microorganisms, with a much higher recovery rate and lower standard deviation compared to serial dilution. Each BIOBALL Luminate microorganism is tagged with a Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) marker, making it easy to distinguish from external contaminants—whether using traditional or rapid testing methods. Effective for a wide range of testing applications – including growth promotion, daily controls, method validation, matrix verification and proficiency testing.


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Compliance Check

ReposiTrakIn the time it takes you to read this, you could know your total compliance management profile.

  • Need to report on your compliance program?
  • Want to easily prep for an audit or FDA request?
  • Need to evaluate compliance by document or supplier?

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  • Easy to read reports
  • Graphical data presentation
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If you have documents in binders, paper files and various digital formats you are wasting a massive amount of time and compromising your effectiveness. Why struggle with an antiquated approach with so much at stake?

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