Food Safety Consortium

Conference Presentation Submission Form

Presentations should be 35-40 minutes allowing time for Questions & Answers.  The total time allotted to each presentation is 45 minutes.  Speaker registration for the Food Safety Consortium is complimentary but the presenter is responsible for his/her own travel expenses to the conference.

Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required

I have read and understand the above statement.*


* *
Title Department
Work Phone Cell Phone

Presenter: (if different)

First Name Last Name
Title Department
Work Phone Cell Phone

About the Presentation:

Brief Presentation Description (one to three sentences):*
Presentation Abstract (up to 500 words): (Or upload a document below)
Upload the Presentation Abstract: (up to 500 words, Word Document or PDF):
Which conference track would this presentation fit best in (check one):*
Has this presentation been used at an earlier conference?*
Does the speaker have permission and a budget to travel to the conference?*
Would you agree to develop an article for publication on, (Food Safety Consortium’s supporting e-Journal)?
Is your organization interested in learning more about sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities? (This has no influence on the presentation decision)
Is your organization interested in co-locating a meeting or workshop at the Food Safety Consortium?